When you are getting braces, one of the questions you may have is how frequently you will need to see the orthodontist. This question can be...
Braces Orange County NY
Is Early Orthodontics Important For Your Kids Healthy Teeth?
As parents, we want what’s best for our children, and this includes their oral health. That being said, teaching them the basics of brushing and...
When Should My kid See an Orthodontist?
When should my child see an orthodontist? We'll look at the best time to begin. By getting an early start, an orthodontist can spot any red flags...
How to Choose The Best Orthodontist in Middletown
Choosing the best orthodontist in Middletown that you can trust with your smile is an important decision. Orthodontic treatment may last an extended...
16 Myths and Facts About Braces
There are many myths and facts about braces. Although many people may think braces are unsightly and don't want them, that isn't necessarily true....
Can Invisalign Fix My Underbite?
The first thing that people notice about you is your appearance, especially your smile. Not only can having a bright smile make you look attractive...
Am I a Candidate for Invisalign in Orange County NY?
If you have ever wondered whether you are a candidate for Invisalign, the odds are very good that you are. In fact, even if you have been told in...
Easy Tips for How to Floss with Braces
This time, we're looking at "How to floss with braces," in the Bracesetters blog. Previously, we looked at how to make braces fun with colors and...
How to Clean My Retainers
This time, we're looking at "How to clean my retainers." After orthodontic treatment like braces or Invisalign, everyone wears a retainer. Why? It...