For decades, traditional metal braces were the go-to choice for orthodontic treatment. But that's only because it was the only option available!...
Do I Need To Go To An Orthodontist in Warwick NY ?
Everyone wants to have a picture-perfect smile. The problem is knowing if and when you need to go to an orthodontist to help you achieve your goal....
Make Your Mom SMILE This Mother’s Day
Here at Bracesetters Orthodontics in Newburgh, NY, we love to see our patients smile. Not just because we love to see your beautiful smile that we...
Braces VS Invisalign; Who is the Real Winner?
Of all of the treatment plan options Dr. Michael Skrobola and Dr. Jonathan Schlosser of Bracesetters Orthodontics near New Windsor, NY offers, most...
The Benefits of Choosing Invisalign to Improve Your Smile
Traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, and lingual braces are all great options in Monroe, NY for straightening teeth. And now there is...
What is an Orthodontist?
Dr. Michael Skrobola, and Dr. Jonathan Schlosser of Bracesetters Orthodontics have some information to consider when looking for an orthodontist...
How Old Is Too Old for Braces?
Dr. Michael Skrobola, Dr. Jonathan Schlosser, and the team at Bracesetters Orthodontics in Middletown, NYdon't want prospective orthodontic patients...
Which Orthodontist Is Right for You?
Orthodontists do more than cosmetic work. They also improve the look of your smile and your overall oral health by straightening your teeth and...
Five Problems That Braces Can Correct
If you're interested in orthodontic treatment with braces, Dr. Michael Skrobola, Dr. Jonathan Schlosser and the team at Bracesetters Orthodontics in...