Easy Tips for How to Floss with Braces

floss with braces

Easy Tips for How to Floss with Braces

This time, we’re looking at “How to floss with braces,” in the Bracesetters blog. Previously, we looked at how to make braces fun with colors and foods to eat with braces.

While wearing braces, particles can get stuck behind the brackets, so it’s especially important to rinse, brush, and floss. By practicing a daily hygiene routine, you can avoid periodontal disease, bad breath, and cavities. Also, you’ll be helping improve your overall experience and progress toward the goal of your ultimate dream smile.

At first, learning to floss with braces takes some practice. However, you’ll soon get the hang of it, and it becomes part of your daily routine.

Knowing What Foods to Avoid Helps

First, keep in mind that you can keep your braces or aligners clean by knowing what types of foods to avoid. 

For example, sticky, chewy, crunch, or hard foods are likely to cause issues for those wearing braces. As always, it’s best to limit sugary items, which is particularly true during orthodontic treatment.

Knowing what foods to enjoy will help you maintain oral health. Plus, you’ll be less likely to have particles of food get stuck and possibly damage your braces. 

How to Floss with Braces

Now, how often should you floss with braces? According to the American Dental Association, you should floss once and brush twice daily. However, you may want to floss more often if you notice any particles around your braces.

Fortunately, tools are available that make it easier to floss with braces. With practice, you can get the job done with ordinary waxed floss or Super Floss, made for cleaning braces. 

First, thread the floss between your teeth and the wire. Then, gently floss around each tooth and the wire.

Note: avoid using unwaxed floss since it can easily shred.

If threading the floss is difficult, a disposable floss threader can make the job much easier. After looping your floss through, you can push it through with the threader’s firm pointed end.

How to Use a Floss Threader

Here are the steps to use a floss threader:

  1. Cut a piece of waxed floss to about 12-18 inches long.
  2. Insert the floss through the loop of the threader about five inches.
  3. Insert the pointy end of the threader under the braces wire.
  4. Pull through gently.
  5. Remove the threader loop.
  6. Gently floss along the sides of each tooth into the gum area as normal.
  7. Repeat the process around each tooth.

Alternatively, you can use “pre-threaded” floss, which is pre-cut to length with an aglet tip like a shoelace. These often come in convenient single-use packets.

Using an Interproximal Brush to Floss with Braces

Floss threaders help many people floss with braces, but there are more helpful tools to try. For example, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends trying an interproximal brush.

There are many brands of these small pipe-cleaner-like brushes, such as Proxabrush and Soft-Picks. Also, some brushes are designed with kids in mind. However, parents may need to supervise their use. Before trying them, please consult your orthodontist.

Floss Picks

For some people, a disposable floss pick is the best way to floss with braces. For example, the Platypus Flosser holds the floss for you in a plastic frame. Thus, there is no threading needed.

One side of the flosser has a small flat edge designed to fit between the braces wire and your teeth. Again, this may require close supervision for kids. As always, we’re here to help if you have any questions.

A Water Pick or Water Flosser

In addition to brushing and flossing, a water pick can be great for keeping your braces clean. When choosing one, we’ll be happy to make a recommendation. As a rule, use a water flosser with the ADA Seal of Acceptance.

Water picks can be very powerful and may be uncomfortable at first, particularly if you have recently begun with braces. However, most models have settings that allow you to tone down the power as needed.

We hope this information about “How to floss with braces” is helpful. 

Dr. Michael Skrobola, Dr. Michael Skrobola III, Dr. Jonathan Schlosser, and the team at Bracesetters Orthodontics are the experts in braces and orthodontic treatment. We will be happy to answer any questions about braces, clear braces, Invisalign, or Invisalign Teen in Middletown, NY, Newburgh, NY, Monroe, NY, Monticello, NY, Orange County, NY, and the surrounding areas. 

Today, we’re offering free virtual consultations, or you may get started with a free in-person consultation.

Have questions? Please, call us at (845) 342-1300.

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