5 Valentine’s Day Dental Quick Tips valentines day tips

5 Valentine’s Day Dental Quick Tips valentines day tips

As you may well know, the mouth is one of the most vital parts of the human body. With it, we can breathe, eat, speak, and kiss. This Valentine’s Day, you can make sure it’s a memorable one by showing off your nice, healthy grin instead of any awkward smiles. Here are just few of our tips and tricks to prepare your teeth for a special Valentine’s Day!

1. Bad breath is turn off for many of us, but it can be a natural place to start. Although smelly foods such as garlic and onions can cause your bad breath, we have found other factors for a smelly mouth. The leading cause for bad breath is found in our gums, teeth, and tongue through any resting bacteria. If your tongue is a shade of yellow, lick the back of a spoon and smell it. Chances are you’ll notice how bad “ or good “ your breath is. Ditch the mints and grab a more permanent solution with good hygiene. Brush your teeth and gums twice a day, preferably right after a meal. Make sure to floss once a day as well: removing bacteria through those hard-to-reach places is the only solution to getting right of your bad breath. To treat a yellow tongue, don’t brush it with a regular toothbrush and toothpaste. This can cause damage to your taste buds and simply create more spots for bacteria to grow. The best solution for your tongue is a tongue scraper paired with a gel that clings to bacteria and sweeps that bad breath away.

2. While tempting to drink fine wine and have a smoke or two, reconsider those decisions if you want to keep your teeth bright white and clean. Not only will you smell better, you’ll avoid permanently staining your teeth. The sooner you quit, the better you’ll be received by your significant other.

3. Treat yourself by scheduling back-to-back dental cleanings. Both you and your valentine can achieve the smiles you want and enjoy freshly cleaned teeth as a couple. Don’t forget to schedule your next appointment after you are done “ seeing a dentist two times within the year is highly recommended.

4. Although Valentine’s Day is known for the sweets and heavy sugars, having a sweet tooth can turn your Valentine’s Day mouth sour. If you ever plan to indulge on the heart candies and other snacks, remember this cool fact; green veggies and salads are not only healthy for your body, but they also counteract many of the acids found in snacks. These sweets include chocolate, candies, and coffee. Drinking water is equally effective, washing away any unwanted microscopic visitors. If you simply can’t stay away from treats and have nothing to remove the acid, chewing on sugar-free gum can can also work as an anti-acid and catch those sugary intruders in your mouth.

5. Strange as it sounds, electric toothbrushes are great gifts even if your special someone doesn’t have bad breath. These marvels of technology sweep away plaque and other bacteria so efficiently, a growing number of dentists across the world support using electric toothbrushes over traditional ones. While expensive, they last longer and clean deeper. You might be skeptical about grabbing one, as you probably don’t want to tell your partner they have bad breath or anything. But here’s the approach: I love your smile so much I never want to give it up.

If you’re looking for a straighter, healthier, and cleaner mouth, call us here at Bracesetters Orthodontics in Middletown, NY to meet with Dr. Michael Skrobola or Dr. Jonathan Schlosser. Remember, Valentine’s Day is not only about roses and romance: it’s a day of testing and reinforcing our relationships. Don’t give up on your health and teeth to have a good time. Sometimes, the essence of cleaning, both physically and socially, can leave you with memories you can look back on and smile about. Call us at 845-342-1300 for a consultation today!